Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Arugula and Cheddar Egg Yolk Omelette

I recently introduced eggs to L (around 8 months) starting with hard boiled egg yolk, but he wasn't crazy about that.  I decided to try a mini egg yolk omelette and that was a big hit, but only when it's chopped into tiny little pieces.  He's still adjusting to chunkier food.  I always make scrambled eggs for my husband and me in the mornings, so instead of wasting the egg white from L's egg, I just add it to our eggs.

1/2 tbsp olive oil
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 tsp grated cheddar cheese
2 small arugula leaves, stems removed and finely chopped

Heat the oil in skillet.  Add egg, cook for about 1/2 minute, then flip.  Sprinkle with cheese and arugula and fold in half.  Chop into pieces and serve.


  1. We haven't introduced eggs to my nine month old granddaughter yet, maybe we should try your suggestion.

  2. Hi Cozy in Texas! Our pediatrician said we could introduce egg yolks (not the whites) as soon as he was ready for solid foods. She suggested hard boiling the egg, mashing up the yolk, and stirring it into another puree that he was familiar with. I tried it in pureed avocado (which I thought was delicious), but my little guy wasn't crazy about it. I waited a while before introducing it again and when I did, I tried it as an omelette which he loved. Good luck with your granddaughter! And say hi to Texas for me. I was born and raised there, but have been living in New York for the last 3 1/2 years.
