Thursday, December 8, 2011

Butternut Squash and Apples

Apples were the first solid food L tried after rice cereal.  Not long after that I started him on butternut squash.  The two together along with a little cinnamon are delicious and one of his favorite breakfasts! When he first started solids I had to blend everything to a smooth puree, which was a lot of extra work (on top of peeling and dicing a butternut squash and six apples).  Now that he's moved on to chunky textures I just mash the mixture with a fork after steaming.  It's definitely still a chore to peel and dice that squash, but it makes enough to last a few weeks, so I don't have to do it often.  I steam the squash and apples separately since the squash cooks longer than the apple.  Once everything is cooked, I mash it together and then freeze in portions.  I add the cinnamon before serving, but it could probably be added in before freezing.
Oh, and here's a tip when picking out a butternut squash...pick out the least curvy squash you can find.  The curvier it is, the more difficult it will be to peel!

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